ISSN 2977-0602


Pascal Marcel Dreier

Theatrum Osteologicum (Theatre of Bones / Theatre of the Knowledge of Bones)


Theatrum Osteologicum is a lecture performance on bones, chimeras, and haunting. It is a summary of 15 months of research in London's waterways, museums, archives, and the artist's studio showing previously unpublished research material such as geophone field recordings and LIDAR-scans. 


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- SEM bone, HA crystals and new bone. David Gregory & Debbie Marshall. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Wellcome Collection, London.

- SEM of osteoporotic bone. David Gregory & Debbie Marshall. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Wellcome Collection, London.

- Calcinatio, in: Mylius, Johann Daniel. Philosophia Reformata Continens Libros Binos. Apud Lucam Iennis., typis vero Joannis Friderici Weissii, 1622. 107.

- Putrefactio, in: Mylius, Johann Daniel. Philosophia Reformata Continens Libros Binos. Apud Lucam Iennis., typis vero Joannis Friderici Weissii, 1622. 117.

- William Blake, Cerberus (second version), 1824-1827, illustration for The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (Inferno VI, 13-33), pen and ink and watercolour over black chalk and traces of pencil, 37.3 × 52.7 cm (sheet), London, England; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.

- Vase of bone china painted with enamels and gilded, Spode Ceramic Works, Stoke-on-Trent, ca. 1820. Height: 26.9cm. One of a pair with C.710-1935. C.710A-1935 

- Tafel II, in: Kölliker, Albert von. Die normale Resorption des Knochengewebes und ihre Bedeutung für die Entstehung der typischen Knochenformen. Leipzig : F.C.W. Vogel, 1873.

The Journal of Art & Ecology published by MA Art & Ecology, Goldsmiths, University of London

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